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16324 Lassen Street North Hills Church of Christ Sermon
Annual Program 2023

The LORD is Coming

January        The LORD'S Welfare Over His Church

a) The Church That Has Been Prepared for the Wedding Day
b) The Lord Gave Himself to Save His Church
c) From Christ's silence to His Exaltation
d) The Unconditional Love for an Undeserving People
e) Why is Christ Looking for Faith in His Coming?

Revelation 19:7
Ephesians 5:25-27
Philippians 2:9
Ephesians 2:5
Luke 18:8
February        CHRIST Creating an Impact in Sinners' Lives

a) What God has Shown us About the Common or Unclean
b) You Also Become as Living Stones in CHRIST
c) What is a Royal Priesthood?
d) How to Become a Jesus' Light House for This Generation

Acts 10:28
1 Peter 2:5
Exodus 29: 1-14
Philippians 2:15
March        The Humbleness of CHRIST and the Arrogance of People

a) How to Learn from Jesus' Humbleness
b) A Willing Heart According to CHRIST
c) Humming-birds Collecting the Sweetest Nectar of the Word
d) A Lamb for a Household and A Lamb for all Nations

John 13:1-17
Luke 10:25-37
John 5:39
April        From the Cross to a Prepared Place

a) The Blood of the Lamb of the Last Sacrifice
b) Why is John at The Cross?
c) The Forty days Christ Appeared
d) The Glorious Day Jesus Ascended to Heaven
e) The Most Encouraging and Comforting Promise Ever

1 Peter 1:17-23
John 19:26
Acts 1:2-3
Acts 1:9-12
John 14:2-3
May       CHRIST Is My Reason to Believe

a) Emanuel
b) The Rock of My Salvation
c) Savior, The Redeemer of My Soul
d) The Mediator Lives Always to Make Intercession for Us

Matthew 1: 19-24
Psalm 95
Titus 2:11-15
1 Timothy 2:5
June       Jesus and The Holy Spirit of GOD.

a) I Will Not Leave You Orphans
b) The Faith of the Church in Times of Tribulations
c) The Spirit Makes All Things Work Together for Good
d) The Work of the Spirit Trough the Gospel of CHRIST

John 14:18
2 Corinthians 4:6
Romans 8:24-28
John 16:1-14
July       CHRIST And Christian Marriages

a) Please Each Other, Care and Sustain In the love of Christ
b) Only The Discipline of Christ Can Save our Marriages
c) GOD and The Widows
d) Salomon's Love reflected in the Image of the Church
e) Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled

Ephesians 5:22-33
Hebrews 12:1-17
Isaiah 54:4-8
Kings 2:13-18
Hebrews 13:1-8
August       Believing in the Fruit of the LORD'S Discipline

a) The Meaning of Not Restraining Our Children
b) Devoted Children for the LORD
c) The Early Teaching is to Love and Fear the LORD.
d) The Mother, The Son, and the LORD

1 Samuel 3:13
Numbers 6:8
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
1 Timothy 2:15
September       Building Faithful Families for the LORD

a) Cornelius' Willingness for GOD
b) As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the LORD
c) The Keeper of the Prison in Philippi
d) A Family Dedicated to the Service of the LORD

Acts 10:24
Joshua 24:15
Acts 16:23-34
Corinthians 16:15
October       The Light to the World and the Brightness in Heaven

a) Christ, The Light of Life
b) The Light of the Word in My Heart
c) When There Will be No Need of the Sun
d) No Relationship with Darkness

John 8:12
Revelation 21:23
Revelation 21 :23
1 John 1:5
November       The Happiness of the Saints in CHRIST

a) The Joy That Comes by Forgiveness
b) The Free Will Offering and Service
c) Rejoice when a Strange Thing Happens to You
d) The Reason for Our Thanksgiving to GOD

Luke 7:41-43
2 Chronicles 19:1-3
1 Peter 4:12-16
Colossians 2:6-7

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Each sermon is available on this website at    Online 2023    as of the week it is created

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 North Hills, CA 91343
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