Gospel Meeting with Joel Villa and Kevin Villa
Lassen street church of Christ
December 1 - 3 2023
Joel VIlla |
Are your Garments Ready for the Wedding |
12/03/2023 |
Sunday 3:00 PM |
Joel VIlla |
When my Love for Christ Grows Weak |
12/03/2023 |
Sunday 10:30 AM |
Joel VIlla |
The Church that bas been Prepared for the Wedding |
12/02/2023 |
Saturday 3:00 PM |
Joel VIlla |
The Precious Oil in Your Lamp |
12/02/2023 |
Saturday 9:30 - 11:50 AM |
Kevin VIlla |
The Genuineness of Our Faith, Found in Praise, Honor & Glory |
12/02/2023 |
Saturday 7:30 PM |
Kevin VIlla |
Christ's Preeminence is the Fullness of Our Lives |
12/01/2023 |
Friday 7:30 PM |
Click either picture to enlarge it
Gospel Meetings with Andy Cantrell
Lassen street church of Christ
December 2-4, 2022
Theme: Finding Our Purpose From The Past
Who is Jesus to You and What are You Doing About it? |
12/04/2022 |
Sunday PM |
Abigail's Shadow |
12/04/2022 |
Sunday AM |
David, Peter and Me |
12/04/2022 |
Sunday AM |
God's Invitation to Joy, Peace and Purpose |
12/03/2022 |
Saturday PM |
Born Again by the Word of God |
12/03/2022 |
Saturday AM |
Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts |
12/02/2022 |
Friday PM |
Click the picture to enlarge it
Lafayette church of Christ
405 N Creasy Lane,
Lafayette, IN 47905
November 6-11, 2022
Theme: Finding Our Purpose From The Past
Who is Jesus to You and What are You Doing About it? |
11/11/2022 |
Friday 7:00 PM |
Wrestling for a Shadow |
11/10/2022 |
Thursday 7:00 PM |
Abigail's Shadow |
11/09/2022 |
Wednesday 7:00 PM |
David, Peter and Me |
11/08/2022 |
Tuesday 7:00 PM |
A Covenant Like David's |
11/07/2022 |
Monday 7:00 PM |
Children of Light in The Armor of God |
11/06/2022 |
Sunday 5:30 PM |
Born Again by the Word of God |
11/06/2022 |
Sunday 11:00 AM |
Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts |
11/06/2022 |
Sunday 10:00 AM |
Twin City church of Christ
810 Southwest Parkway East
College Station, TX 77840
September 11-14, 2022
Theme: Finding Our Purpose From The Past
Who Is Jesus to You and What Are You Doing About It? |
09/14/2022 |
Tuesday |
Abigail's Shadow |
09/13/2022 |
Tuesday |
David, Peter and Me |
09/12/2022 |
Monday |
Born Again by the Word of God |
09/11/2022 |
Sunday |
God's Invitation to Joy, Peace, and Purpose |
09/11/2022 |
Sunday |
Finding Our Purpose From the Past |
09/11/2022 |
Sunday |
Old Wire Road church of Christ
2480 Old Wire Road
Fayetteville, AR 72703
May 22 - May 26, 2022
Theme: Serving One Another Through Love
Through Love Serve One Another Part 7 |
05/26/2022 |
Thursday |
7:00 PM |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 6 |
05/25/2022 |
Wednesday |
7:00 PM |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 5 |
05/24/2022 |
Tuesday |
7:00 PM |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 4 |
05/23/2022 |
Monday |
7:00 PM |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 3 - audio |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 2 - audio |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 1 - audio |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
Through Love Serve One Another Part 1, 2 and 3 - video |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
The first 3 sermons are here differently than most
Part 1, 2 and 3 are all on one video
Also each is separate as an audio
Centerville church of Christ
13919 Braddock Road
Centerville, VA 20220
April 29 - May 1,2022
Theme: Finding Our Purpose From the Past
Who Is Jesus To You And What Are You Doing About It? |
05/01/2022 |
Sunday |
5:00 PM |
David, Peter, And Me |
05/01/2022 |
Sunday |
10:30 AM |
A Covenant Like Davids |
05/01/2022 |
Sunday |
9:30 AM |
Born Again By The Word Of God |
04/30/2022 |
Saturday |
5:00 PM |
Opened Eyes And Burning Hearts |
04/29/2022 |
Friday |
7:30 PM |
Hueytown church of Christ
2053 High School Road
Hueytown, AL
April 10 - 13, 2022
Theme: Opening Our Hearts to Work with God
2 Corinthians 3-6
Open Your Hearts & Escape Your Affections |
04/13/2022 |
Wednesday |
7:00 PM |
Working Together with God |
04/12/2022 |
Tuesday |
7:00 PM |
The Heart of an Ambassador |
04/11/2022 |
Monday |
7:00 PM |
Hope for Boldness, Mercy for Endurance, Faith for Speaking |
04/10/2022 |
Sunday Worship |
5:00 PM |
To Upbuild and Examine |
04/10/2022 |
Sunday Worship |
9:30 AM |
While I was working on putting Andy's sermons here I came across this video from
one of the Hueytown ministers that I thougt had a good and practical introduction.
The introduction beginning at about position 26:00
he is talking about the meaning of loving God. I included it below.
The king (lord) speaks on love |
03/13/2022 |
Sunday Worship |
9:30 AM |
Clovis church of Christ
February 20, 2022
Theme: Finding our purpose from the past
Finding our Purpose from the Past #1 |
02/20/2022 |
Sunday Class |
9:30 AM |
Finding our Purpose from the Past #2 |
02/20/2022 |
Sunday AM Worship |
10:30 PM |
Finding our Purpose from the Past #3 |
02/20/2022 |
Sunday PM Worship |
5:00 PM |
Kirkland church of Christ
Kirkland, Washington
December 4 to 5, 2021
Reaching the Lost
12/04/2021 |
Saturday |
Morning |
When In Crete
12/04/2021 |
Saturday |
Afternoon |
Who Is Jesus To You
12/05/2021 |
Sunday |
Class |
The Heart of an Ambassador
12/05/2021 |
Sunday |
Worship AM |
A Covenant Like David's
12/05/2021 |
Sunday |
Worship PM |
Studebaker Road church of Christ
Long Beach, California
July 11 to 16, 2021
Theme: Finding our purpose from the past
Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts |
07/11/2021 |
Sunday |
9:50 AM |
Born Again By The Word of God |
07/11/2021 |
Sunday |
10:45 AM |
Children of Light in The Armor of God |
07/11/2021 |
Sunday |
5:30 PM |
A Covenant Like David's |
07/12/2021 |
Monday |
7:30 PM |
David, Peter, and Me |
07/13/2021 |
Tuesday |
7:30 PM |
Abigail's Shadow |
07/14/2021 |
Wednesday |
7:30 PM |
Wrestling For A Blessing |
07/15/2021 |
Thursday |
7:30 PM |
Who is Jesus to You and What are You Doing About It? |
07/16/2021 |
Friday |
7:30 PM |
Gospel Meeting with Travis Walker
Vinyard church of Christ
5750 E Shields Ave
Fresno, CA 93727
May 22 - May 25
Theme: Blessings in Christ
In Christ There is Inisight |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
9:00 AM |
In Christ There is Life |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
10:00 AM |
In Christ There is Purpose |
05/22/2022 |
Sunday |
5:00 PM |
In Christ There is Joy and Peace |
05/23/2022 |
Monday |
7:00 PM |
In Christ There is Equality |
05/24/2022 |
Tuesday |
7:00 PM |
In Christ There is Hope |
05/25/2022 |
Wednesday |
7:00 PM |