html{-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;} a church of Christ at Lassen Street, North Hills California

Interesting links to other web sites

Please note, we consider this information to be from sound scriptural web sites
However, be careful, and test any of the information found here to be scripturally correct

The following are from the La Vista Church of Christ

Departing from the Pattern
Is online worship acceptable?
What happens to people who die without being baptized?
How can you add to the Word?
Which baptism was in effect between Jesus’ death and Pentecost?
It Doesn’t Say “Not To”
Choirs and Solos
When was the church established?
The Church in Prophecy
The Deity of Christ: Refuting Some False Arguments
Evolution’s Missing Fossils
Bible Baptism
The Church in Prophecy
The Wisdom of Abigail
The Book of Daniel
Choirs and Solos
When will the Sabbath end?
How the Church May Use Its Money
Where did the five-step plan of salvation come from?
Are we not to support organizations that do good?
Were the apostles also elders and can there be unmarried elders?
If One Verse Was All We Needed
Notes on the Hardening of Pharoh’s Heart
But It’s a Good Work
Justification by Works in James
Was baptism commanded in the Old Testament at the time of John the Baptist?
What About the Thief on the Cross?
Were Adam and Eve saved?
Why Aren't Instruments Part of the Pattern?
The Quiet People
Am I failing because I don’t lead prayers in the congregation?
How the Church May Use Its Money
What the Bible Says About Hell
The Setting for the Lord’s Supper

A list of interesting topics
If you are interested in more information on this web site, Go here

All links have been added here by permission as defined at the end of each article on the La Vista Church of Christ web page

In a book by J. W. McGARVEY
there is a discussion about
Baptism and the Forgiveness of Sin starting on page 243
in the section named EXCURSUS A

This book is available as a PDF

EXCURSUS A is a good discussion about
faith being involved without being faith only
and baptism preceding the remission of sins

The following is from the Gospel Broadcasting Network

What Does The Bible Say About Drinking Alcohol?

The following is from "Stand to Reason" on YouTube

The Question that Stops Christians in Their Tracks

 This is Food for Thought when answering questions

More links will be posted here in the future

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